Filozofija ekonomije (seminar iz epistemologije društvenih znanosti)
Naziv kolegija: Filozofija ekonomije
ECTS: 3 boda
Nastavnik/nositelj kolegija: Mislav Žitko, asist./dr. sc. Borislav Mikulić, red. prof.
Status i vrsta kolegija: izborni seminar
Trajanje: 1 semestar (2 sata tjedno)
Jezik: hrvatski
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: nema
Cilj: Upoznavanje s temeljnim epistemološkim i metodološkim problemima u polju filozofije ekonomije
Sadržaj: Počevši od razlikovanja činjenica i vrijednosti kakvo nalazimo u raspravama Davida Humea kolegij će tematizirati razlikovanje između pozitivne i normativne ekonomije nastojeći razraditi metodološke probleme suvremene ekonomske znanosti uz pomoć rasprava i uvida filozofije znanosti, odnosno epistemologije društvenih znanosti. Nadalje, spomenuta će dihotomija biti uzeta za ishodišnu točku u razmatranju instrumentalističkih, odnosno realističkih strategija opravdanja u polju filozofije ekonomije. U skladu sa suvremenim raspravama posebna će pažnja biti posvećena epistemologiji modela i mjerenja, odnosno raspravama koje mogu klasične filozofijske probleme opažanja i kauzaliteta otkriti u ponešto novom svijetlu. Posljednji dio kolegija bit će posvećen analizi i evaluaciji ortodoksnog i heterodoksnih istraživačkih programa u ekonomiji.
Način provjere znanja: pismeni izvještaji o praćenju rada (izvještaji o čitanju), sudjelovanje u diskusiji
Način praćenja kvalitete nastave: redovito pohađanje nastave (maksimalno 3 izostanka) i praćenje rada u kolegiju (izvještaji o čitanju u kolegiju, ca. 2 kartice), konzultacije; studentska anketa
Sadržaj kolegija
- Uvod u kolegij
- Činjenice, vrijednosti, i ekonomska znanost (Hilary Putnam: The collapse of the fact/value dichotomy, str. 1-27)
- Činjenice, vrijednosti i ekonomska znanost (Mark Blaug: How economists explain, str. 3-27)
- Instrumentalizam i predviđanje (Julian Reiss: Three cheers for instrumentalism)
- Realizam u ekonomskoj analizi (Tony Lawson: A realist theory for economics)
- Problem kauzalnosti i formuliranje ekonomskih zakona (Julian Reiss: Philosophy of economics, str. 85-115)
- Mjerenje i opažanje u ekonomskoj analizi (Julian Reiss: Philosophy of economics, str. 145-175)
- Mjerenje i opažanje u ekonomskoj analizi (Harro Maas i Mary Morgan: Observation and observing in economics)
- Uloga modela u ekonomskoj analizi (Robert Sudgen: Credible worlds: the status of theoretical models in economics)
- Modeli, matematika i stvarnost (Geoffrey Hodgson: On the complexity of economic reality and the history of the use of mathematics in economics)
- Neoklasična ekonomika kao istraživački program (Christian Arnsperger i Yanis Varoufakis: Neoclassical economics: three identifying features)
- Neoklasična ekonomika kao istraživački program (Sheila Dow: The appeal of neoclassical economics: some insights from Keynes’s epistemology)
- Heterodoksni istraživački programi (Alan Freeman: Economists of tomorrow: the case for assertive pluralism in economics education)
- Ekonomija, ideologija, politika (Joan Robinson: What are the questions?)
- Arnsperger, C., & Varoufakis, Y. (2006). What Is Neoclassical Economics? The three axioms responsible for its theoretical oeuvre, practical irrelevance and, thus, discursive power. Panoeconomicus, 53(1), 5-18.
- Backhouse, R. (Ed.). (1994). New directions in economic methodology. Psychology Press.
- Backhouse, R. E. (2010). The puzzle of modern economics: science or ideology?. Cambridge University Press.
- Blaug, M. (1992). The methodology of economics: Or, how economists explain. Cambridge University Press.
- Blaug, M. (2003). The formalist revolution of the 1950s. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 25(2), 145-156.
- Boumans, M. (2004). How economists model the world into numbers. Routledge.
- Dow, S. C. (1995). The appeal of neoclassical economics: some insights from Keynes’s epistemology. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(6), 715-733.
- Freedman, D. A. (2010). Statistical models and causal inference: a dialogue with the social sciences. Cambridge University Press.
- Freeman, A. (2010). The economists of tomorrow: the case for assertive pluralism in economics education. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 69(5), 1591-1613.
- Friedman, M. (1953). Essays in positive economics. University of Chicago Press.
- Hands, D. W. (2001). Reflection without rules: economic methodology and contemporary science theory. Cambridge University Press.
- Hargreaves-Heap, S., & Varoufakis, Y. (2004). Game theory: a critical introduction. Routledge.
- Hausman, D. M. (1992). The inexact and separate science of economics. Cambridge University Press.
- Hausman, D. M. (Ed.). (1994). The philosophy of economics: an anthology. Cambridge University Press.
- Hausman, D. M. (1998). Problems with realism in economics. Economics and Philosophy, 14(02), 185-213.
- Keuzenkamp, H. A. (2000). Probability, econometrics and truth: the methodology of econometrics. Cambridge University Press.
- Lawson, T. (1989). Realism and instrumentalism in the development of econometrics. Oxford Economic Papers, 236-258.
- Lawson, T. (1995). A Realist perspective on contemporary” Economic Theory”. Journal of Economic Issues, 1-32.
- Maas, H., & Morgan, M. S. (2002). Timing history: The introduction of graphical analysis in 19th century british economics. Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines, (2), 97-127.
- Mäki, U. (Ed.). (2002). Fact and fiction in economics: models, realism and social construction. Cambridge University Press.
- McCloskey, D. N. (1983). The rhetoric of economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 481-517.
- McCloskey, D. N. (1990). Storytelling in economics. Narrative in culture: The uses of storytelling in the sciences, philosophy, and literature, 5-22.
- Mirowski, P. (1992). More heat than light. Cambridge University Press.
- Mirowski, P. (1991). The when, the how and the why of mathematical expression in the history of economics analysis. The journal of economic perspectives, 145-157.
- Morgan, M. S. (1992). The history of econometric ideas. Cambridge University Press.
- Morgan, M. S., & Morrison, M. (Eds.). (1999). Models as mediators: Perspectives on natural and social science (Vol. 52). Cambridge University Press.
- Morgan, M. S. (2001). Models, stories and the economic world. Journal of Economic Methodology, 8(3), 361-384.
- Mosini, V. (Ed.). (2008). Equilibrium in economics: scope and limits. Routledge.
- Reiss, J. (2012). Idealization and the Aims of Economics: Three Cheers for Instrumentalism. Economics and Philosophy, 28(03), 363-383.
- Putnam, H. (2002). The collapse of the fact/value dichotomy and other essays. Harvard University Press.
- Reiss, J. (2013). Philosophy of economics: a contemporary introduction. Routledge.
- Robinson, J. (1977). What are the questions?. Journal of Economic Literature, 1318-1339.
- Rosenberg, A. (1992). Economics–Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns?. University of Chicago Press.
- Schlefer, J. (2012). The assumptions economists make. Harvard University Press.
- Sugden, R. (2000). Credible worlds: the status of theoretical models in economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 7(1), 1-31.
- Varoufakis, Y. (1998). Foundations of Economics: A beginner’s companion. Psychology Press.
- Varoufakis, Y. (2009).Pristine equations, tainted economics and the post-war order. In presented on 10th April at the Cold War and the Social Sciences workshop, Heymann Centre for the Humanities, Columbia University.
- Weintraub, E. R. (2002). How economics became a mathematical science. Duke University Press.