Gostujuća predavanja dr Marcina Trepczyńskoga (Sveučilište u Varšavi) 18. i 21. travnja
U okviru programa razmjene CEEPUS te u suradnji Odsjeka za filozofiju Filozofskoga fakulteta i Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti 17.-21. travnja 2023. na našem Sveučilištu u Zagrebu gostuje dr Marcin Trepczyński s Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Varšavi (Wydzial Filozofii, Uniwersytet Warszawski). Održat će dva predavanja na engleskome u terminima ovih kolegija:
1) Logic and Theology in the 13th-Century Western Thought – kolegij Ranokršćanska filozofija (red. prof. dr. sc. Anto Mišić i dr. sc. Mikolaj Martinjak), 18. 4. u 9,15 sati na Fakultetu filozofije i religijskih znanosti u dvorani 102
2) Towards Hypermodernism – kolegij Suvremena filozofska terminologija II (izv. prof. dr. sc. Ankica Čakardić), 21. 4. u 17,00 sati na Filozofskome fakultetu u dvorani D-3
Sažetci predavanja:
Logic and Theology in the 13th-Century Western Thought
It may be surprising, but theology in the 13th century was a domain in which we find very original applications of logic and phenomena interesting from the logical point of view. The advanced use of deductive reasoning, logical analyses in Biblical exegesis, special semiotics of negative theology, and non-monotonic logic in theological discourse are only some of topics which will be discussed during my lectures.
Towards Hypermodernism
Have we transcended postmodernism? Can we call our times “hypermodernity”, and what would it mean? What can we call hypermodernism? During my lectures I will answer these questions, referring to such authors as: Lyotard, Vattimo, Welsch, Kroker, Borgman, Sloterdijk, Lipovetzky and Charles, Wegierski, Aubert, Vermeulen and Akker, and others. I will present many “faces” of hypermodernism, including my own proposal.
Have we transcended postmodernism? Can we call our times “hypermodernity”, and what would it mean? What can we call hypermodernism? During my lectures I will answer these questions, referring to such authors as: Lyotard, Vattimo, Welsch, Kroker, Borgman, Sloterdijk, Lipovetzky and Charles, Wegierski, Aubert, Vermeulen and Akker, and others. I will present many “faces” of hypermodernism, including my own proposal.
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